First posting

Kia ora.

This is my first posting as the newly appointed principal (tumuaki) for Lytton High School. The Māori term is a good way to consider the role of principal.  The term, tumuaki, is made from two base words, tumu meaning the post, foundation or mooring; and aki meaning to encourage.  Therefore when combined the essence of tumuaki is the foundation upon which I build the encouragement of others, students, teachers, parents, friends and family. For as our mission statement says 'Together to excellence'! In this spirit of encouragement allow me to share the following stories.

The kāhui kaumātua for Tūranganui-a-Kiwa were here on Thursday. We had offered our facilities for one of their regular meetings. As part of the hui, three of our amazing Year 9 Health students were given the opportunity to share how they and their fellow students wanted their future to look like.
Yr9 Health students
The students shared 4 key discussion topics related to their learning and the impact Lytton High School has had on their learning. Evidence shared included; 
  • learning was challenging and they have been taking up opportunities to experience more,
  • participation in learning experiences they were not accustomed to,
  • achieving high standards to develop better understandings for future options/possibilities.
The most impressive discussion topic was

  • “What are the key areas to develop or improve within our iwi to assist my learning?”

This quality of ownership by these students is spot on!  When one can articulate their learning and what the next steps should be, we have some of the most powerful learning experiences possible!

Ihaka the Master chief

This week was a great one at Lytton, and a friend of mine suggested that I share a highlight of the week. Well, for me it was young Ihaka Peneha. When walking the grounds at lunchtime or interval I always find young Ihaka with a smile on his face - perhaps it's mischief.  However, what I do know is that he always has a warm welcome for me and I enjoy sharing a few words with him.

Anyhow, yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing some of his baking from a cooking class - and all I can say is watch out Master chief New Zealand! 

Have a safe long weekend with friends and family.

Video of the week - Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms 


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