Keeping it simple...

Kia ora.

I read recently a post from the photographer Jared Polin. He said,..

You are not alone in the way you feel. Whether it’s up or down, remember, you’re not alone. You’re not the first to be in the position you’re in…and you won’t be the last.

I like to say things ebb and flow. That’s why I try not to get too high or too low. You will have good times, you will have bad times. You’ll have really bad times and you’ll have really amazing times. But please understand, it’s a cycle. You win some, you lose some. Don’t over celebrate the victories and don’t beat yourself up too hard with your mistakes or failures. Cut yourself and others a break.

Let go of whatever it is you’re holding against yourself or someone else. It’s not worth the mental stress to hold on to certain things. Because there’s always a tomorrow…until there’s not.

Nicely put Jared. A good reminder for us all.

Mauri ora.


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