New Year's Resolution

Kia ora tātou.

Ngā mihi o te tau hou, Happy New Year!

I've got to be honest and let you know that I've never, for what ever reason, sat down and made any genuine resolutions for the start of a New Year.  Yeah, I've thought about areas that I'd like to do better or be better at. However, I've never actually sat down to focus on what and how - never!

So, I did a google search and found a Mashable Photo Challenge around New Year Resolutions.  This image of the notebook is taken from that webpage's collection.

I loved the idea of using images to tell a story and found this collection really cool! And it struck me that taking the time to actually identify and articulate NYR (New Year Resolutions) is a really powerful exercise.

Not only at a personal level, but what about at a group level?  Can a school make NYR? Should students be encouraged to examine NYR? Could the School's Student Council generate NYR for 2014?

Inevitably this has taken my thinking back to the beginning of last year and My Vision for 2013. My recent reflections are of what can I do to influence and broker for further change for our local education at the secondary level.

Three themes come to mind from my recent readings, conversations and collected data - they are about;

  1. Creating opportunities for the individual passions
  2. Meaningful connections with whanau
  3. Meaningful connections with community

I'm absolutely convinced that creating opportunities to explore students' passions is fundamental to a quality 21st Century Education programme. Passion Projects is an emerging practice that resonates so well with how things could and should be if we are to fulfil in a meaningful manner the aspirations and vision of our New Zealand Curriculum, i.e. confident connected actively involved lifelong learners. I've enjoyed listening to Logan LaPlante, a 13 year old, who is a wonderful example of confidence, being connected, actively involved and lifelong learning.

Meaningful connections with whanau cannot be underestimated. Our school's mission statement is "Together to Excellence" and the key word is 'together'! This year is crucial for us to examine how we make connections that are meaningful! Its is crucial

Chris Kennedy shares his wishes for his child's teachers and states (4:00) "...I want to be connected to their teacher, to be connected to their learning, to be connected to their school. At (11:36) " I want them to move from where they are to a new place ... I want the help to know how to get to the next spot" and at (11:53) "what I really want you (teachers) to do for my kids is - just matter, be interested and be interesting". Interestingly enough Chris talks about the sharing and recognition of passions.

A friend of mine, Dale Williams, shares some insight into meaningful connections with community, i.e. what can be done and why.

These three themes that I've spent time thinking about are strongly interrelated. They are not isolated considerations and I look forward to exploring way in which I can, in my leadership capacity, influence change that is meaningful and powerful!

Why? Take a look at this picture to the left! It's for these young people who were happy to share the shade of this tree with their principal. who were happy to talk to me about life, music, selfies and facebook! That's why!

Enough said, please enjoy your weekend with friends and family.

Video of the Week: WHOLOCK - Sherlock meets the Doctor - I'm a Huge fan of both Dr Who and Sherlock Holmes and this video is in the spirit of collaboration.


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