Teachers deserve our trust

Kia ora.

Piano performance
Yesterday I watched an inspiring performance by our Head Boy on the piano.  Clyde is a grade 8 level pianist and I enjoyed being part of the small audience that heard a variety of pieces.  I particularly enjoyed the Beethoven pieces which were both dramatic and powerful!

This was a nice way to end the very busy week which included Open Day and Evening.  Where we open the doors to Year 8 students from the region and invite prospective parents back at night to visit the school.

The students who made themselves available for Open Day were outstanding.  They were great ambassadors for our school.  "Together to Excellence" what else?

Recently the Government announced "it will review the role and functions of the New Zealand Teachers' Council as part of its programme to lift student achievement."  A response from the NZEI Te Riu Roa President Ian Leckie followed a few days later.

What worries me is that the intention to improve learning will get lost in the rhetoric and more frighteningly the wrong thinking about what leads to improved teaching and learning. Tapu Misa wrote an article recently for the NZ Herald, it was entitled Teachers deserve our trust. It's a title which really caught my attention.  I think the article captures very well the learning's that are spoken about by such renowned educationalists as Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves and Ben Levin to mention but a few.  This is a well constructed article.

Teachers are a significant influence in improved learning.  For this to occur we need to shape our educational system into one that promotes the ongoing development and learning of the teachers.  Something that draws upon the professionalism and responsibility of teachers as opposed to the extrinsically motivated carrot and stick mentality - which doesn't work in this context of learning.  I agree with Tapu Misa, teachers deserve our support and trust.

Have a safe weekend with friends and family.

Video of the week - How do we make learning relevant to students?


  1. I appreciate your measured and thoughtful responses to some of the current issues in education today. The challenge for a bipartisan approach from politicians enriched by robust intelligent debate involving members of the profession, researchers, unions, kaumatua, whanau and anyone else who can add value is surely long overdue. As you have mentioned rhetoric and
    dangerous thinking is not what we need right now.
    Jody K. Walters


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